Let Them Have Games


So. Yesterday may have been my birthday, but I still kinda screwed up.

I wasted a Lucky Egg in Pokemon Go by accidentally tapping it. And then in my grief, I forgot to drink my last cup of water.

Rip. First world problems. I know.

So I recently downloaded these two really fun games, and I had to pull myself away from one to write this post because it’s really addicting I thought I’d share them.

There’s Color 6 and BonzaAgain with the Apple links. Sorry for anyone who isn’t an Apple person or just doesn’t have anything with an Apple on it.

Color 6 is a puzzle where you fit pieces together to get hexagons. Wow. Amazing. I know.

It gets better. There are multiple colors, and you need to fit pieces of the same color together in order to get hexagons. Wonderful, I know.

Alex found it first, and he was forever confused when everyone else didn’t instantly understand what to do. Honestly. But once you get the hang of it, it’s really fun.

Bonza is a puzzle game where you have pieces of a crossword that you’re trying to put together to form the crossword.

I literally cannot explain but this game is so good and it is the game I am addicted to currently.

Of course, you can cheat by Googling things and searching for letters, but that’s cheating. And I cheat sometimes.

There are references to Bonza in yesterday’s post. Go find them.


It’s Jonah’s Birthday


cas: oH MY GOD


cas: SHOOT

cas: I completely forgot I am a horrible person and a horrible sibling

alex: Yes, you are.

jonah: Happy birthday to me

jonah: I’m a hundred and three

zach: Jonah, you can’t just play games on your phone all day.

jonah: It’s my birthday

zach: Do I look like I care?

cas: No

jonah: They’re educational games

zach: Go ahead.

jonah: Crea

jonah: Can you help me solve this

crea: Can’t you just watch videos for hints?


jonah: It’s my birthday

crea: Fine.

crea: Tuning fork.


jonah: I dumb

alex: Even Cas could’ve gotten that one.

cas: Hey

alex: What, you couldn’t get it?

cas: I repeat myself

cas: Hey

cas: You can’t Google things that’s cheating

jonah: It’s making the most of my resources

jonah: It’s only cheating when you search for the answers


cas: You literally Googled “list of herbs and spices”

jonah: Your point is

crea: Happy birthday.

jonah: Thanks

jonah: Your extensive knowledge of bugs is kinda creepy

zach: They’re called insects.

jonah: Okay Mr. Bugologist

zach: They’re called entomologists.


cas: I hope you didn’t mind that I didn’t get you a present

jonah: I stopped minding the first time you forgot

cas: Ouch

cas: Harsh

cas: But true

zach: Don’t do anything dumb just because today’s your birthday.

jonah: I would never

alex: You would always.

I Can’t Even Ever


Yesterday I assigned a Pokemon to a gym and I forgot to collect my defender bonus. So I just wasted some potions and I am sad.

Okay I didn’t forget because I couldn’t get my defender bonus until four hours but I forgot four hours later. And maybe “Vaporean” the Pidgeot wouldn’t have stayed in that gym for four hours, but the point is I forgot.

Also I finally reached Level 12, which means I have Great Balls. Which means I can catch a Vulpix!

I am still salty that the first Vulpix I saw -and have ever seen- ran away.

And now for this post to end! Because I’ve been working on it for too long and have gotten absolutely nowhere!


What Is This Rambling


So I think the Fruit Games are going to last for a long time because the Olympics last for a long time am I right there are tons of Google Doodles for Olympics from the past that are consecutive in streaks of more than three.

I sound so fancy because I refuse to delete things. Because you can always add more but the delete key and I are not acquainted very well.

Okay I will practice piano and then I will be back with an idea for this post. You know how life is.

I’m back and I still have no ideas. Except I’m wondering if my audition music for the ensemble can be used as my free choice piece as well because laziness and also perfectionism.

I am a person of conflicting traits. I am a perfectionistic procrastinator. Hence the confusing aesthetic.

Anyways… Nigahiga posted a video about Pokemon Go.

You can watch it right here or you can click the link! Wow choices!

Jonah wuz here.

Slightly Serious Book Reviews: The Raven Cycle Part 5


You know what? Dedication is important. I want this done. We’re finishing it.

Aglionby students and other characters. Let’s go.



There are only two Aglionby students not including Kavinsky cause he’s an antagonist, and only one of them is really important.

The important one is Henry Cheng. Although he seems like a Stereotypical Rich Guy™, he’s actually pretty cool.

You know how there’s the Gangsey? He’s like the last member of it. Mostly because he isn’t important until the last book.

The unimportant one is Tad. Even though I can see his last name on the page, I will not be using it because what is spelling also he’s not important. It’s symbolic, okay?

Basically, he is not very important. Done.

Time for other characters! These will likely be more interesting than unimportant Tad.

Professor I never have any idea how to spell that rip me Malory is like Gansey, but older. He’s obsessed with ley lines and dead Welsh kings who turn out to be really, really dead.

Also, he has a service dog and can see auras. I can’t even.

Jesse Dittley is a guy whose property leads off into some caves which are very important because that’s where Gwenllian is!

And the Fox Way ladies do this thing where they know everyone who’s going to die the following year. One of them is Jesse Dittley. He dies because Piper shoots him.

I’m telling you, Piper is evil.

He is very nice even though he is about to die and Blue befriends him and helps him with his garden. But then he dies.

Glendower is the dead Welsh king who is actually dead.

This is all Artemis’s fault. Well, not all Artemis’s fault, but mostly Artemis’s fault. And I like to blame Artemis because curse you tree-man.

There’s also Orphan Girl which is what Ronan names her at first, a.k.a. Opal. She’s Ronan’s dream companion. He accidentally takes her out of his dreams.

She is like a deer person. She has deer feet.

Okay, Orphan Girl is basically the Dream Person™. She speaks tree and Latin! She is part deer! She is wise and knowledgeable! Sometimes.

Then there’s Seondeok spelled it right on the first try I am so cool, who is Henry’s mom and also does magic artifact trafficking. She gives Henry the RoboBee.

RoboBee is my favorite.


Slightly Serious Book Reviews: The Raven Cycle Part 4


Why don’t I just make this harder on myself okay no I wanted it to end on five you don’t understand five is a great number to end on and do all the family members at once?

Except for 300 why does the o look so much like the 0 in the editor Fox Way because they are Way Too Cool™ to be lumped into this post and we did them already.

Let’s go.



Unless this is the first Slightly Serious Book Review you have ever read, in which case I am sorry that you don’t exist.

We’ll start with the Lynch family because they’re listed first.

Yes I am aware there is a Google Doodle today it’s cool but I want this series to be finished so I guess I’ll do the Fruit Games at the end of the Doodles

Niall Lynch is dead. He’s also Ronan’s dad! In case you couldn’t tell because the last name is the same. He can also take things out of dreams, but he’s not going to do that anytime soon since he’s dead.

He’s also in the magic trafficking business, like the Greenmantles and Laumonier am I spelling that right. I didn’t specify, but that contraction is “he was,” not “he is.” Cause, you know, he’s dead.

Aurora Lynch is a dream. Niall’s dream. That’s creepy, but whatever.

She’s super nice and very Mom™, and also she’s comatose unless she’s in Cabeswater, the magic forest place. Then she dies because of the Third Sleeper.

Ronan Sibling Time™!

There’s Declan and Matthew. Declan is the least favorite child and a liar who knows a bunch of secrets. Matthew is the Angel Child™ who is Ronan’s dream.

Basically the nice people in the family are dreams. This is a metaphor for real life.

Time for the Gansey family!

Helen is Gansey’s older sister and is very cool. I approve. She can fly a helicopter and is very professional. Life goals.

And then there are Gansey’s parents who are both really rich. His mom is a politician.

I really have nothing to say about them okay

And I definitely have nothing to say about Adam’s parents because they’re abusive. Done.


Slightly Serious Book Reviews: The Raven Cycle Part 3


The last time I did this was two months ago. Add it to the list of things I forget.



And finally, it’s been two months. I don’t have the book anymore. If this is inaccurate, it’s not my fault. The Internet is not a reliable source.

It depends on what website but let’s just assume a no.

What did I even say I was going to do part three on oh wait I said Aglionby boys didn’t I but that’s dumb so we’ll just the first category I find here

The first category is antagonists. This should be fun.

Okay I know in part two I said dial four. However, since life is surprise much and I hate Aglionby boys, dial three instead.

Barrington Whelk. Can I just say I hate this guy?

You know how the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter is usually evil? Well the Latin teacher in the Raven Cycle is almost always evil!

Whelk used to be obsessed with ley lines, like Gansey, but he had no morals and killed Noah. Noah is my favorite. I hate Whelk.

Now for Kavinsky. Who I hate much less, because I don’t even know the dream crew sounds cool though he didn’t kill Noah.

Anyways, Kavinsky is like Ronan but angrier. And with less morals. And less care for the world. And more drugs. Basically a parallel universe version of Ronan, in an incredibly parallel universe.

He’s also Very Rude™ but he can take things out of dreams like Ronan. He teaches Ronan how to do it, and then is Very Offended™ that Ronan goes back to the Gangsey. Then he kidnaps Ronan’s brother and dies dramatically.

Can I just say villain life goals

Now for Mr. Gray! Who is really morally ambiguous. They have him listed as an antagonist, but I personally disagree.

Mr. Gray is a hitman for the next character, and he goes to Henrietta have I ever said that’s where the books take place well now you know and if you already knew, now you know again to find the Greywaren.

I find this funny because Gray Grey get it

Spoiler alert: The Greywaren is Ronan! No way!

But then instead of killing Ronan or whatever, he falls in love with Maura and becomes a Good Guy™. Meanwhile…

Colin Greenmantle. He’s Mr. Gray’s employer. He collects Magic Stuff™. He is -no surprise here- one of the Latin teachers!!!

Okay but Colin is not very important, villain-wise, because the real villain is his wife, Piper Greenmantle.

You know how I said Neeve helps a bad guy? That bad guy is Piper.

Basically, there are several sleepers. The third should not be woken up. Piper wakes it up. Piper sucks.

The third sleeper is a wasp because Gansey is Afraid of Wasps™ since he is allergic this is my reason that destroys dream magic. Yikes. Piper and technically Neeve too wake it up. Then Piper tells the Giant Wasp™ to kill Neeve because Neeve tries to run away. Fun.

And time for our last antagonist(s)! Laumonier!

So Laumonier is? are? what? are triplets who behave as the same person. Which makes reading scenes with them confusing because they’re all referred to as Laumonier.

One of them is Piper’s dad. He kills Piper. Chaos ensures.

Summary of entire series: Someone does something. Chaos ensures.


Time Is a Circle


My computer just went crazy! I love when that happens.

Okay I am thoroughly convinced that my computer is inhabited by a grumpy ghost who likes to stir up trouble. Because it is a very petty ghost and there are no other explanations.

Anyways… Today we went to the high school to turn in some forms and guess what? The office was closed because of construction! Wow! Fun!

Today is just a really fun day, okay? So many fun things. Drink plenty of water.

Someone please explain to me why there is no Google Doodle. The last one was forever ago, and I am too wary of Computer Ghost™ to continue on.

Time for science essay. Procrastination is key.




Guess who’s going Pokemon hunting later today?


I really want to read but I don’t have the books I want to read. One because it’s not out yet. Two more because they cost money and my Apple ID is not connected to a credit card.

Okay so now to do research on that thing.

I really wanted to write an essay about how I don’t like science but apparently irony is Not Appreciated™ and also that is a Dumb Essay Topic™.

It’s a nerd thing.

Is teleportation plausible or theoretical? Asking for a friend.

If I have no friends, asking for my fish.

I don’t have a fish.


Welcome to August


Happy August! We are now in the same month as my birthday!

Quick reminder to NOT BE LIKE ME and to DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. I won’t be doing anything productive today for as long as I can though so feel free to join me if you’re going to be unproductive.

Okay now time to read that book.
